
stephen | August 12, 2003 ( 9:40 PM)

In Search of J-pop

I've had a couple of good experiences with Japanese music, or J-pop, and I'm hoping to find more albums that I would like. It's been difficult finding good reviews or samples so that I can make an informed decision on what to try. I'm also having a hard time finding retailers that sell imported CDs. Amazon's inventory is pretty weak and most of the search results I get are japanese sites. I currently have Takako Minekawa and Nitro Microphone Underground. Any suggestions?

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Stephen's 2008 Race Schedule

Date Events Location
2/10 swim meet Brighton
2/17 swim meet Grand Haven
3/2 swim meet West Bloomfield
3/16 swim meet Milford
3/30 YMCA Indoor Tri Ann Arbor
4/5 10k Martian Meteor
4/18 - 4/20 1650 free,
1000 free,
500 free,
200 free,
100 free,
200 IM,
100 IM
State meet @ EMU
5/4 10k Burns Park Run
6/1 Half Mary Dexter/A2
6/8 Sprint A2 Tri
7/13 Sprint Waterloo
8/2 Half IM Steelhead