Amy and I, with the assistance of our sisters, bought 3 car loads of plants and a tree that's being delivered this Friday. All of this will replace the crappy yew bushes we have in our front yard and hopefully make the house look like a gem.
We've been trying to plan out how we would re-landscape since last December when my Mom and Dick got us a book on plants and landscaping. We've drawn in berms, crossed out patios, and erased bushes, but now we are finally going to do something. We ended up following a game plan Allison helped us put together yesterday. Thanks sis! Here's a list of everything we picked up:
- Common Witchhazel tree
- Royal Purple (smoke bush)
- Hydrangea Tardiva
- Calycanthus Floridus
- Privet
- 3 Rhododendron
- 6 Hasta
- 3 Delphinium
- 3 Mums
- Tulip bulbs
You're welcome! It was so much fun! I am so glad you got the smoke bush, they are so wonderful. Have fun planting!