Fan-Tastic Mirra

Mirra Chair: back view Mirra Chair: front view

Today was a gluttony of new stuff which would preferably be more spaced out, but circumstances determined otherwise.

Our decrepit garage door that had survived the past 50 years decided it was time to go last friday. A single bolt came off and the whole thing ended up having to be replaced. And replaced it was, with a fabulous new model that is loving and caring and wouldn't think of harming our sweet subbie.

Mirra Chair: in front of computer

We also got the Mirra chair that we ordered back in January. She's one sexy beast. I'm sitting on her right now while she's massaging my lower back. I FEEL GREAT! YEAH!

New Ceiling Fan

Most of tonight, however, was taken up torturing Sara. We decided it would be a good idea to install our new bedroom ceiling fan, which happens to be on the same circuit as Sara's bedroom and the bathroom. I figured she would be fine with it since she's used to having rolling blackouts caused by the electronics convention in her room. Not the case. Good thing we had lots of Dove miniature ice cream bars.

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Jealousy ensues....



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