Warning: there's going to be a dramatic shift in subject matter here on the Ranch. If you are a single guy in a long-term relationship or have recently married, I suggest you immediately stop reading, clear your cache, and remove any bookmarks to this site. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!

For those who are still with us, Amy's pregu! Got a bun in the oven, a pea in the pod, she's "funny", and in a family way. We're so excited (and we just can't hide it). I know, I know, I know - we've been really excited about things before, but this time we are reeeaally ridiculously good and excited looking!

Button is due in early March (a Pisces), the same birth month as Amy. It seems like such a long wait, but that will give us time to babify the house. A lick of paint, another furniture binge, and a clothes shopping spree, but this time for Button. If you thought we were label whores before, just you wait.

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Area blogger RoboRanch has some good news to share with y'all. :)... Read More


Mazel Tov!!! We're so happy for you (and I know that one of us is jealous). Since I can't think of anything clever:

Sexual euphemism supporting Stephen's prowess. Kudos to the new doting mother. Sarcasm about our own familial desires. Sign off with classy quote-of-the-ages.

Love from the Weinstock/Gonzalez/Catsworth household.

Pisces...the perfect sign! My niece or nephew will be highly emotional together! Eddie and "Haylaire" will have a fit trying to figure out how how to play with "button" without getting her/him dirty!

much love!!!

I better start saving so i can spoil my little munchkin neice or nephew. I am so excited for the two of you! Finally!!

So fun and so excited for you!



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