As you may have already noticed, I've begun redesigning the Ranch. It's likely that parts of the site will be broken in the interim. I'll be uploading daily upgrades until it's finished.
As you may have already noticed, I've begun redesigning the Ranch. It's likely that parts of the site will be broken in the interim. I'll be uploading daily upgrades until it's finished.
© Stephen & Amy McKenna. All rights reserved. Author Entry
Give Sophia a sloppy kiss on the top of her cute little head for me. A picture speaks a thousand words. Thanks for the "daily dose".... now I'll survive! Grama Beth
Is the little guy next to the flowers an automatic vacuum cleaner?
I just wanted to congratulate both of you! Your daughter is gorgeous :) Take care.
I love your new website design, especially the daily dose. Now I can get my Sophia fix every day.