Sylvania Triathlon

You can't have a sport without stats. Here are some of the numbers that are bouncing around in my head after a day in Sylvania, Ohio.

2:30:01 - My final time. My best so far.
73 - my position overall
228 - total participants
14 - rank for the swim portion of the race overall.
2 - position in my wave getting out of the water.
22 - guys in my wave
1 - rank in my age group for the swim (25-29)
7 - my finishing place in my age group
11 - guys in my age group
11 - rank in my age group for the bike (I need a new bike!)
11 - number of pictures Amy took that we posted to flickr.
30 - minutes before I finished when I was doing everything I could not to poop.
7 - number of times I had to run the bathroom for a diarrhea crap.
2 - number of pills of Imodium AD that I needed to take to stop constantly pooping.

Want more stats? Check out the race results

I was really happy about my performance in this race. My swim was awesome and I felt strong throughout, except for running aground on some rocks. My right hand and knee got cut up, but luckily my feet were okay. I didn't notice I was bleeding until I was on my bike. The bike section felt good, but I won't be able to compete unless get a tri-bike. After comparing times with similar athletes, I think I could cut at least 10 minutes off my time with a proper bike.

My run started out feeling great. I was using my new speed laces which helped cut my T2 time. But 2 miles into my run, nature had other plans. Let's just say that it's hard to run your best when you're clenching your butt cheeks together. For my next race, I'm planning on taking some Imodium AD in the morning so this doesn't happen again.

1 Comment

Okay, that sounds pretty gross and uncomfortable, but I've read it's somewhat normal(eeew)for triathletes esp. marathon runners to have excessive pooping issues. We are still cheering for your accomplishment while questioning your sanity maybe just a little, and hoping the immodium works... otherwise you'll have to get some Tridepends.

Go Steve!... or maybe I should say DON'T go!



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