The Baby's Back!

Sara Spencer School Girl Costume

Guess who's coming to dinner (for the next 9 months)? No, I'm NOT pregnant--we're saving that topic for next year's blog entries.

This blog entry is a tribute to the lovely Miss Sara "without-an-'h'" Spencer. Tomorrow, the cute little lady will be travelling from Muskegon, MI, where she has been residing with Mum and Pop for the summer, to Ann Arbor, MI to live with her Sis and Bro for her SENIOR year at the U-M School of Art and Design. Hip, Hip, Horray!!!! And the crowd goes wild!

Oh, and Amy, Stephen, and Pooshi-cat are excited too! :)


cute. real cute... that was a picture from halloween. i honestly don't usually wear sexy school girl costumes. well, not that often...;0)
see you soon!

You're going to wear that outfit for your first day of classes, right? ;)

steve, i can't wear it the first day of school because i thought you wanted to wear it that day. ;0)



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