Shopping Spree

booty from shopping spree

My wardrobe has been stuck on repeat for the last several months and this past weekend I decided to freshen up my image. Amy and I went to Somerset for a full day of shopping dedicated completely to me. That's right, Amy didn't buy a single item of clothing. What an amazing display of constraint! Luckily, she wanted to be Carson Kressley and had fun dressing me up like a ken doll. She helped introduce me to the world of brown, picking up 2 pairs of brown shoes and my first brown belt since my frosh days in high school. I also picked up 14 shirts/sweaters, 4 pairs of pants, and a little something for the ladies ;) Now my only problem is that I'm going to be 10 minutes later for work from picking out my outfit in the morning!

For those of you with a sharp eye, you'll notice I also picked up a panther while I was at the mall. It's better than advertised and I'm loving the new existance that is 10.3.


I think you bought more clothes than I own...

Yes, Stephen does look spiffy in all of his new clothes. Unfortunately, he looks so spiffy that anyone around him feels inadequetly dressed and automatically hates all of the clothes in their wardrobes... hmmmm....;0)



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