As with every new born, especially the first born, there is a gluttony of photography. And with it comes an asset management nightmare. We're going to try and create a better workflow that will allow us to post pictures more often and hopefully improve the user experience too. That's probably going to involve a site redesign, which as you can imagine, I have plenty of time on my hands to do that now that we have a baby. For the mean time, here is my first experiment with Flickr, Sophia Day 4-11.

Sophia Lane McKenna Smiling


Hey Daddy,

Thanks for putting up more pictures of the sweetie! You are such a good photo-grapher. :)

Amerly and Sophia-bobia

Sophia and Claire look a bit alike when they smile! :-) You must have the camera going all the time to be getting all the smile pictures. What a dodding daddy!

Aunt Allie

Is Sophia actually two-toned when she cries so hard. She must get so tired! :-) A


steve and amy,
she looks cuter everytime i check in!
steve-try not to stress too much over the photos, just make sure you get the incriminating ones for when she starts to date!
happy spring!

So how about some more pictures??? Please don't wait until your website is perfect!

From Grama Beth going through serious Sophia withdrawal... :)



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