Recently, a friend asked Sophia if she wanted a baby brother or a sister. "I want TWO sisters!" was our toddler's emphatic reply. Which wouldn't have worried me, except for the dreams I'd been having ALL WEEK about giving birth to twins. And if I were a superstitious person, I'd say the double-yolked egg we cracked for breakfast would've been a scary sign.

If you hadn't guessed yet, we're pregnant! And it was quite a relief when last week's early ultrasound showed just ONE tiny bean with a beating heart.

7-week Ultrasound

7-Week Ultrasound

At the beginning of the year when my Crohn's Disease was really bad, we were thinking about baby number two but were worried about a high-risk pregnancy. After three months of success with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and feeling great without any scary medications, we decided to go for it.

My body must be in a really healthy place, because the first month we tried, "Voila!" We weren't expecting it to happen so quickly, as it took five months to conceive Sophia. And get this—according to the ultrasound, my expected due date is December 25, 2007. No joke! The midwife checked and re-checked her due date calculator in disbelief. Start placing your bets...


I can't think of a better present! :-) Much love and hugs for you, Steve and that sweet belly.

So exciting... I need to think carefully before placing my bet. Woohoo!

Ahh! A Christmas baby!! I am so thrilled and even more excited that you chose to have the baby when I will be able to be in town! Yippee!

yay!! congratulations, amy, stephen and sophia! that is very exciting!

amy and stephen-
congrats to all of you!! with a christmas baby think of all of the crazy name options you'll have...
and on we go...
hope you continue feeling great.

hmm... i vote for star


hmm... i vote for star


hehe... two votes apparently!

Well... his/her middle name could be Star... or Twinkle. Way to go you two!

I have ulcerative colitis and am due with our first baby at the end of July. I was looking into the SCD as a way to get off these meds completely(6MP+colazal). I wondered if this diet is ok during pregnancy. Has your doctor cited any risks? I can't seem to find any resources on the internet. So far this pregnancy has been blessedly uneventful and the baby is so far completely healthy!

Emily, my gastroenterologist said he's fine with the SCD during pregnancy, and he's ok with me being off my meds (although he says 6MP is being used successfully with many pregnancies). My midwife is supportive of the diet too, and she has referred me to a nutritionist so that I can be sure I'm getting all the right nutrients for pregnancy. I'm 9 weeks pregnant today, and I've gained about 6 lbs so far. I think that's good, since I only gained 20lbs with my first pregnancy, during which I didn't take any meds or follow a special diet (I got lucky and was in remission). I know a woman who did SCD during one of her pregnancies and everything was fine. It's great that you are feeling good and your baby is healthy. I had a bad flair when my daughter was one, and I went back on 6MP at that time. I'm hoping that the SCD will minimize the chance that I'll have a flair after the second pregnancy. Let me know if you have any other questions for me. Good luck during your last couple of months!

Thanks so much Amy. Its great to hear yours and others experiences. I wouldn't consider stopping the meds so close to the end except that I really want to breastfeed. Initially we thought I might be able to do it on the meds, but the more I think about it the less comfortable I am doing so. Especially the 6MP. My doctor really does not want me off the meds, but he did tell me it was my decision. He likes to scare me with the worst case scenario(like not being able to get into remission). But I guess that's a good thing since it has made me think very long and hard about this.
I hope your pregnancy is easy and uneventful!!!! I'm looking more into this diet thing and may soon bid farewell to my starbark's hot chocolates and au bon pain croissants...sniff ;o(
Thanks again. I'll let you know if I have any questions!



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